Drift Masters GP joins forces with BDC and IDC.
European Championship aims to become the definitive professional drift organisation in Europe.
"It’s time to make history, together." - David Egan
Repost from Drift Masters Grand Prix facebook page.
Original post here: DriftMastersGP
** PRESS RELEASE 13/12/2017 **
Driftmasters GP has aligned with Zigen Promotions (parent company of the Irish Drift Championship and British Drift Championship) to create an official partnership for the 2018 DriftMasters GP European Championship.
In 2018, the Driftmasters GP European Championship aims to become the definitive professional drift organisation in Europe. With a calendar containing Europe’s highest-profile events and a grid of Europe’s most talented drivers, this is the championship drift fans have anticipated for over 10 years.
Rather than speculate on what might be, Driftmasters GP have set about guaranteeing this success by partnering with some of the most passionate people within the sport. Zigen Promotions currently run, organise and promote four professional-level drift championships and bring a wealth of new experience and enthusiasm to the existing DriftMasters GP in-house team.
“We are very excited to join forces with the team behind the successful IDC and BDC championships. The Irish and British drift scenes are very strong, full of phenomenal driving talents and incredible builds, but what is letting them shine is the organisation and promotion of the competition itself.
Over the years IDC and BDC have established themselves as some of the most professionally organised drift championships in Europe. When we first met David Egan and his crew, we could tell instantly that these people were driven by pure passion and love for the sport of drifting. We at DMGP are the very same.
After a fantastic meeting at DriftMasters GP headquarters, it was decided that joining forces, with the intention of building the most competitive and exciting drift championship Europe has ever seen, was what everybody wanted. This is not only a big thing for the ‘Old Continent’ but we think it will have a positive impact on drifting globally.
"With such an amazing team now assembled, the 2018 season will undoubtedly be phenomenal.”
- Arkadiusz Dudko - CEO, DriftMasters GP
Zigen Media CEO David Egan is also excited at the prospect of combining two of the world’s best behind-the-scenes teams for the upcoming DriftMasters GP European Championship.
“Despite my many positions within various organisations, I am a drift fan first and foremost and I believe that despite many semi-successful attempts to combine the greatest talents in European drifting, the true potential of this combination has yet to be realised.
DMGP are clearly dedicated in their mission of bringing fans the greatest drift events on earth, and that claim is reinforced by their incredibly ambitious season plan for 2018. In my opinion, if you were to ask every European driver to describe their perfect championship, this would be it. The best drivers performing at the best venues, the best back-room team producing the show and the best media personnel promoting the action to an international audience. This is what everybody has been waiting for.
"I am extremely excited to form this partnership with DMGP and finally give the incredible drift talent across Europe a platform to succeed and realize their dreams within the sport.
It’s time to make history, together.”
- David Egan - CEO, Zigen Promotions Ltd.
As the official launch of the 2018 DriftMasters GP European Championship draws closer, we can confirm that this partnership has already created an incredible new format, licensing system, calendar and promotional plan that is sure to shock existing European drift fans when released publicly.
Stay tuned for more details...